-cide, -cides, -cidal
(Latin: a suffix; kill, killer; murder, to cause death, slayer; cutter; “to cut down”)
Don’t confuse this element with the another -cide that means “to cut”; although -cide, “death”, is related to -cise, -cide, “to cut down”.
One who kills his enemy.
The “murdering” of a hymn; i.e. by alterations.
imagocide, imagicide
The killing of adult insects; especially, mosquitoes.
1. One who kills an infant.
2. The killing of infants; especially, the custom of killing new-born infants, which prevailed in primitive societies, and was common in the ancient world.
3. The crime of murdering an infant after its birth, perpetrated by or with the consent of its parents; especially, the mother.
4. The practice of killing newborn babies.
2. The killing of infants; especially, the custom of killing new-born infants, which prevailed in primitive societies, and was common in the ancient world.
3. The crime of murdering an infant after its birth, perpetrated by or with the consent of its parents; especially, the mother.
4. The practice of killing newborn babies.
insecticide, insecticides
1. One who or that which kills insects, an insect-killer; specifically, a preparation used for destroying insects.
2. The killing of insects.
2. The killing of insects.
An insecticide is a pesticide used to kill insects in all developmental forms. They include ovicides and larvicides used against the eggs and larvae of insects. Insecticides are widely used in agriculture, people's dwellings and workplaces, and even in medicine.
larvicide, larvicidal
A preparation adapted to kill larvae.
A destroyer of laws.
The killing of hares (rabbits).
The elimination of leukocytes: Leukocites, or white blood corpuscles, have ve short lives, and leukocide occurs when they commit programmed cell deaths, or apoptosis. .The killing of leukocytes (white blood corpuscles).
1. A “killer” or destroyer of liberty.
2. The “killing” of liberty; destructive of liberty.
2. The “killing” of liberty; destructive of liberty.
The “killing” or destruction of a book.
To kill a word or any attempt to eliminate or to destroy a word.
The killing of roundworms.
The killing of wolves.
1. A murderer of one’s master or teacher: In the U.S. there have been a few magistricides who have shot teachers in addition to killing many of the students as well.
2, The murder of of a civil officer: A magistricide was committed in a school involving the death of an important teacher in the U.S.
2, The murder of of a civil officer: A magistricide was committed in a school involving the death of an important teacher in the U.S.